Victoria Vaction

On a trip to British Columbia in about 1985, Barbara and I went to Canada with Mom and Dad. We had High Tea at the Empress hotel in Victoria. Near the end of the snack, we were getting our money out and remembered that we were in a foreign country. We never bothered to exchange our Yankee dollars for Canadian, and we were trying to decide if  we should tip the waitress and how much. Dad had put some bills on the table but decided that it was too much, but when he went to take some back the waitress unexpectedly showed up and caught him, so he threw all the money back on the table and we ran out the door. I managed to snap this shot as we laughed all the way down the street.

_Ron Rhodes

2 thoughts on “Victoria Vaction”

  1. That reminds me of the time we ordered our first pizza. We were on one of dad’s education trips across the country. We were back east somewhere. We ate breakfast and lunch in the car but we always had dinner in a restaurant. Dad wanted us to try new foods. Went to an Italian restuarnt – saw pizza on the menu so we all ordered one. When they were delivered it was clear we had ordered way too many – we burst out laughing and we looked just like your mom and dad do in that picture. One of my favorite Rhodes family memories was laughing so much.

  2. This was one of my favorite vacations. We had alot of fun.
    We had a lot of fun vacations with Uncle Ralph and Aunt Carolyn, and Uncle Cecil and Aunt Winelle too.
    Disneyland, Butchart Gardens. The trip to Utah started out great, but ended up with Dad, Aunt Winelle and me getting sick! Mom and Uncle Cecil left us in the motel to go gambling.

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